High School Credit Courses @ SMS

There are currently two courses 8th graders at SMS may take for high school credit.


    Earth & Environmental Science (EES)

    EES is a high school credit course open to 8th grade students who meet specific academic requirements and who have demonstrated a strong interest in and a high performance level in science while at SMS. Students in this class will learn the 8th grade science curriculum as well as the EES curriculum over the course of one school year. They will also be required to take two exams at the end of the school year: the 8th grade science EOG and the EES NC Final Exam (NCFE). The NCFE score will be included in the final grade for the EES course. This year, EES will encompass Core 1 and Enrichment, providing extended daily instruction, which will help students master the content of both science curricula.


    Math I

    Math I is a high school credit course, and it is the designated 8th grade math class for students in the AIG math program. Students who were in AIG math during 7th grade received instruction in the 8th grade regular math curriculum, which is pre-algebra, and have the math background for moving into Math I in the 8th grade. Students who have demonstrated exceptional math acumen, but who are not in the AIG math program, may also qualify for Math I, provided they meet the academic requirements for placement in the course. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, students in Math I will NOT have to take two exams at the end of the school year; they will only be required to take the Math I EOC, and that score will be included in the final grade for the course.


    Because EES and Math I are high school credit courses, students will be expected to have an 85% average or higher on the 19th day of the course in order to remain in the course. Students who do not have the required average will be moved into an 8th grade science and/or Math 8 class.