Student Support Services Department
In Brunswick County, our goal is to ensure that every learner is successful. We strive to meet the academic, behavioral, medical, and social-emotional needs of every child.
We look forward to partnering with you in a collaborative effort to prepare your child for a future of success!
Calming Activities & Strategies
Brunswick County Virtual Calming Activities
Checkout these cool calming activities and strategies! The resources range from art activities and breathing techniques to live animal cams and virtual nature walks!
Find the tool that works best to help find the calmest you!!
These resources were shared through collaboration with the North Carolina Mental Health in Schools Initiative.
Local Resources and Support Agencies
Melissa Quinlan
Executive Director of Exceptional Children
and Student Support Services
Raquel DeSouza
Administrative Assistant
Student Support Services
Karen Baker, Ed. D.
Director of Title I and MTSS
Meredith Lloyd
Student Services Supervisor