Brunswick County Schools Redistricting
Current Status
(For mobile users, click the brown "Pages" icon at the top left of the phone screen to navigate through Background and Objectives, Survey/Questionnaire, Interactive Maps, Pictures and Graphics, The Next Step, and Public Information Meeting Presentations sections. For desktop users, please see menu to the left.)
Current Status:
3/31/2020: During the 3/31/2020 Budget Work Session, EDULOG presented their Brunswick County Transportation Analysis.
-Brunswick County Schools (BCS) contracted with Cropper GIS for the generation of alternative school boundaries for the opening of Town Creek Middle School. Cropper provided 4 redistricting scenarios
-Edulog performed a transportation analysis of each scenario to provide the BCS Board of Education with transportation impact data related to each of the four scenarios
-In terms of mileage, average student travel time, etc. there was not significant difference between the four scenarios to outweigh other considerations not related to transportation
-The BCS Board of Education selected Scenario 1
-Edulog was asked to analyze the transportation implementation for Scenario 1 and to further analyze alternatives for bell times for Town Creek Elementary and Town Creek Middle School BCS will now move forward with gathering additional information to plan routes for the 2020-2021 School Year for Town Creek Elementary and the new Town Creek Middle School.
- View the presentation via video by clicking HERE.
- View the presentation via downloadable PDF by clicking HERE.
3/2/2020: The 2020/2021 Student Transfer Request forms are now available. Click HERE to find printable forms for both in-county and out-of-county transfer request. The deadline to make a transfer request is May 29th, 2020.
2/12/2020: Redistricting letters are currently being mailed to parents/households impacted by Phase 1 redistricting to detail what school their child will attend. The deadline to make a transfer request is May 29th, 2020. For more information on the transfer request process, click HERE.
1/21/2020: Parents and guardians who wish to request their rising 5th graders be allowed to finish their elementary education at their current school need to make the request through the current Student Transfer Request process. Click HERE for more information and necessary forms to be filled out.
1/15/2020: Video of the 1/14/2020 Special Called Meeting is now available by clicking HERE.
1/14/2020: During the Special Called Meeting on January 14, 2020, Brunswick County Schools Board of Education Members selected Draft Map Option1 for Phase 1 of the Redistricting Process in the district. The next step is putting together the implementation plan. Details will be posted as soon as they are available. Video of the meeting in its entirety is now available by clicking HERE. Transportation insight from consultants Education Logistics, Inc. was presented to board members. You can view the presentation by clicking HERE.
1/9/2020: Board Members are currently considering all drafts and feedback and expect to make a decision on new district lines at a special meeting held at Central Services, 35 Referendum Drive, Bolivia, at 6pm on January 14th, 2020. The public is invited to attend.
1/7/2020: Seven community members signed up at the 1/7/2020 Board of Education Meeting to share feedback to Board Members about redistricting. You can view the Public Comment Period by clicking HERE for video of the meeting. The results of the additional public survey are also available that are updated to include feedback on Option 4.
- Click HERE for Public Survey Results, general feedback.
- Click HERE for Public Survey Results, by the numbers.
- Click HERE to view the 1/7/2020 Board of Education Meeting.
12/19/2019: Board Members have waived the 24 hr sign up requirement for public address at the January 7th Board of Education Meeting so you can sign up the same day as the meeting. However, you must sign up at the list located at the entrance of the Commissioner's Chambers prior to the 6:00pm start of the meeting(we need to pull the list to begin calling names to speak and conduct in an organized manner). If you can't sign up by 6pm, please contact Jill Coughlin at 910-253-1082 or email to request being added to the list ahead of time. It is recommended that you call or email 24 hours ahead of the Board Meeting to ensure your request is received in time.
12/17/2019: The Consultant presentation of draft map options on 12/17/2019 to Board Members is now available. Click HERE for the YouTube link to watch the presentation/discussion with Board Members.
Video of the December 16 Public Information Session #3 detailing the updated Draft Map Options is now available. Click HERE for the YouTube link to watch the meeting in its entirety.
12/16/2019: Click HERE to access the Presentation given during the Public Information Meeting on December 16. Video of the meeting will be available on Tuesday, December 17th.
12/16/2019: A public survey for feedback on the newly created Option 4 is now available and will remain open for feedback through January 5th. Click HERE to access the survey to share feedback on Option 4.
12/12/2019: The draft map proposals to be presented at the Monday, December 16, Public Information Meeting at North Brunswick High School (6pm) are now available for review. There are modifications made based on feedback from the public survey and the maps will be explained for better understanding during the meeting in a gallery walk format.
Draft Map Options to be presented to public at NBHS(12/16) and to Board Members at Committee Meeting(12/17):
- Click HERE to access Option 1 zones for Elementary Schools
- Click HERE to access Option 2 Modified zones for Elementary Schools
- Click HERE to access Option 3 Modified zones for Elementary Schools
- Click HERE to access Option 4 zones for Elementary Schools
- Click HERE to access Option 1 zones for Middle Schools
- Click HERE to access Option 2 Modified zones for Middle Schools
- Click HERE to access Option 3 Modified zones for Middle Schools
- Click HERE to access Option 4 zones for Middle Schools
The Informational Handout to be presented to public(12/16) can be found by clicking HERE.
The results of the public survey can be found by clicking HERE.
BY THE NUMBERS: Comparison charts featuring a breakdown of impact from each option at the schools can be found by clicking HERE.
12/4/2019: An additional Public Information Meeting is now scheduled for December 16th at NBHS, 6pm, to review all Draft Map Options and any modifications following the public survey component which ends December 8th. The following day, December 17th, the options will be presented to Board Members for review during the BOE Committee Meetings at 3pm. There will be an extended public comment period at the January 7th, 2020 Board of Education Meeting for community feedback and then the following week on January 14th, 2020, a special meeting will be called for Board Members to select new lines at affected schools in Phase 1 of the redistricting process.
11/19/2019: Video of the presentation from the #2 Public Information Meeting on Phase 1 Redistricting is now available. Click HERE to view the video via YouTube. Consultants also launched a new survey for feedback on the draft map options. You can find that survey by clicking HERE.
11/18/2019: Tonight's Public Information Meeting to discuss the draft map options will begin at 6pm. Here is the livestream link to the meeting that will be active shortly before the meeting begins: A survey will be active following this evening's meeting for you to take part in. Click HERE for the survey.
11/14/2019: The draft map proposals to be presented at the Monday, November 18th, Public Information Meeting at North Brunswick High School (6pm) are now available for review. There is a lot of information on them and the maps will be explained for better understanding during the meeting. The public can also ask questions specific to the draft maps during the meeting. An online survey will be launched on Monday for feedback following the presentations.
- Click HERE to access the 3 draft map options for Elementary and Middle School districts in the northern region of Brunswick County.
- Click HERE to access the Table Plots that detail the impacts of each draft map proposal in numeric form.
- Click HERE to access the presentation that will given during the Public Information Meeting on November 18th.
11/07/2019: On Thursday, November 7th, the BCS Redistricting Leadership Team received an update from Cropper GIS/McKibben consultants on the Phase 1 process. Several draft maps will be presented and reviewed early next week with district administration and then posted at for public review no later than November 15th, ahead of the 2nd Public Information Meeting on November 18th.
- Consultants emphasized that parents of students in elementary and middle schools need to review maps once available to see the potential impact of each proposal.
- The results of the General Feedback form submissions through November 7th were also presented and available to read/print by clicking HERE.
10/23/2019: If you could not join us for the meeting or livestream, click HERE to view the October 22nd Public Information Meeting on Redistricting or visit this YouTube link: You can also now give general feedback on redistricting for Phase 1, which invloves creating boundary lines for the new Town Creek Middle School, as well as balancing school building utilization across the northern district. Click HERE to give feeback.
10/22/2019: The 6pm Public Information Meeting on Redistricting livestream channel will begin shortly before start time. You can view the meeting via this link:
10/21/2019: Brunswick County Schools has developed a set of objectives and criteria to guide the first phase of the redistricting project. The focus of the redistricting study will be to develop recommendations that meet the following objectives, while adhering to the criteria as best as possible. You can view and download the handout with Background and Key Objectives by clicking HERE.
9/19/2019: Cropper GIS/McKibben will facilitate a public information session on October 22nd, 6pm at North Brunswick High School, which will provide an overview of the project objectives, process and timeline. The consultants will also detail the online survey component for the community to take part in. This event will be Livestreamed. Public comment and feedback will take place during the 2nd meeting in November. NBHS is located at 114 Scorpion Drive Leland, NC 28451.
9/17/2019: On Tuesday, September 17th, 2019, the BCS Board of Education approved moving forward with Cropper GIS /McKibben as the consultants for redistricting within the school district. Cropper GIS/McKibben will work to develop 2-3 DRAFT realignment options for Phase 1. These options will be developed to incorporate the new Town Creek Middle School, as well as balance school building utilization across the northern district. Once the DRAFT options are developed, Cropper GIS/McKibben representatives will meet with district staff to review and evaluate the potential boundary plans.