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Phase 1 Background and Objectives

Background and Key Objectives:

The Brunswick County Schools has developed a set of objectives and criteria to guide the first phase of the redistricting project. The focus of the redistricting study will be to develop recommendations that meet the following objectives, while adhering to the criteria as best as possible.


1. Establishing a new boundary for the new Town Creek Middle School that will open in the fall of 2020.

2. Provide capacity relief to middle schools in the northern part of the county

3. Adjust elementary boundaries in the northern part of the county to provide capacity relief to the overcrowded Bellville Elementary School.

This is considered a Phase 1 component of the work that Cropper/McKibben are tasked to study.

There is a Phase 2 component of the work, but this will not be finalized until Fall 2020. For Phase 2, Cropper GIS/McKibben will continue to work through the Fall/Winter 2020 to study school building utilization across the remainder of the district, provide site selection recommendations for new schools (if necessary), and redistricting scenarios to accompany the recommendations. All levels (Elementary, Middle, High School) could be impacted as a result of the recommendations.

The focus will be to develop 2-3 redistricting scenarios, for each phase, for the district and the public to consider.

BCS Redistricting Criteria:

The Brunswick County Schools have established a set of criteria to follow when evaluating student redistricting options. These are rules to follow when considering any potential attendance zone adjustment:

  • To the greatest extent possible, keep students at a neighborhood school.
  • To the greatest extent possible keep maximum student numbers for high schools at 1400 students; middle schools at 750 students; elementary schools at 600 students.
  • Keep average bus route between 60-75 minutes.

Public Participation and Redistricting Study Webpage:

Members of the public have the opportunity to participate in the process in many ways.

All Materials relevant to the study will be made available on the Redistricting Study webpage, located at

This site will serve as a repository for information that is being considered and prepared for the effort. When redistricting options are developed, all options that are being considered will be posted on this page for the public to review. 

Additionally, the redistricting web-page contains a feedback form that will allow the public to provide any feedback regarding the process at any time. You can find a link to the feedback form on the BCS Redistricting webpage, or by using the QR Code to the right (point your smartphone to the code, and it should give the option to directly open the feedback form. Feedback received will be reviewed by the planning team and used to further develop options. This feedback will also be made available to the public. 

The Public Information Session on November 18th is designed to share with the public the DRAFT options that are under consideration, and to solicit feedback on those options. At this meeting, we will be presenting the options and allowing you to review large maps and discuss your thoughts with the planning team and consultants.

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