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Video of Edulog Transportation Analysis

3/31/2020: During the 3/31/2020 Budget Work Session, EDULOG presented their Brunswick County Transportation Analysis.

-Brunswick County Schools (BCS) contracted with Cropper GIS for the generation of alternative school boundaries for the opening of Town Creek Middle School. Cropper provided 4 redistricting scenarios

-Edulog performed a transportation analysis of each scenario to provide the BCS Board of Education with transportation impact data related to each of the four scenarios

-In terms of mileage, average student travel time, etc. there was not significant difference between the four scenarios to outweigh other considerations not related to transportation

-The BCS Board of Education selected Scenario 1

-Edulog was asked to analyze the transportation implementation for Scenario 1 and to further analyze alternatives for bell times for Town Creek Elementary and Town Creek Middle School BCS will now move forward with gathering additional information to plan routes for the 2020-2021 School Year for Town Creek Elementary and the new Town Creek Middle School.