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Redistricting Phase 2

Current Status (Phase 2)



Here We Grow! 

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03/30/2021: Board Members voted unanimously to approve Plan A, the consultants recommendations, with the exception that students in the Mallory Creek area would NOT be moved to SBHS to help relieve projected growth in the northern region.  Instead, the district will move forward with the consultant's alternative recommendations to add capacity at NBHS by 300-400 seats to avoid overcrowding within the next 5 years. 

  • Click HERE for more details

03/29/21: Board Members will meet as planned on Tuesday, March 30, to decide on a Phase 2 Redistricting Plan.

03/24/21: Consultants presented their recommedations to BCS Board Members during the 3/23 Operations Committee Meeting.

Board Members are expected to vote on a Phase 2 Redistricting Plan at a special called meeting 3/30/21 at 2pm.  The meeting will be livestreamed and a link to view will be posted to the BCS Livestream Channel prior to the event and posted on our commmunication platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

03/04/21: Upcoming Events:

  1. March 23, 2021: School Board Presentation of Final DRAFT Redistricting Options at the Operations Committee Meeting.
  2. March 30, 2021: Vote on Redistricting Option for Phase 2.  

02/26/21: Results from the 2nd Survey(from the Public Information Session #3) are now available to review.

02/22/21: Do you want to share your thoughts on the Phase 2 Redistricting Draft Map Options with Board Members?  There is an extended public comment session at the March 2, 2021 Board of Education Meeting.
Want to speak to the board?
To sign up, call Central Services at 253-2900 or email Tori Bullard at by 12pm on March 1.
Survey results for Public Information Meeting #3 will be available soon.

02/03/21: The video recording of the 02/02/21 Public Information Session #3 is now available to view.

02/02/21: Below are the links to 1) Public Information Session #3 that begins at 5pm on 2/2/21 and 2) the survey to be filled out after viewing Public Information Session #3.  

01/26/21: The virtual meeting link for the 2/2/21 Public Information Session with consultants is now available.  It will be active on Tuesday, February 2, for the 5pm meeting.  The meeting will also be recorded for you to view at your own convenience.  An accompanying survey will be available on Tuesday, 2/2, to give feedback on the draft map options.  We'll post the survey here and on our social media platorms.

01/05/2021: Upcoming Events:

  1. February 2, 2021: Public Information Session #3.  This will be in a virtual meeting format, available to the public, where Cropper GIS(consultants) will present DRAFT Redistricting Options to community for comment/feedback.
  2. March 2, 2021: Extended Public Comment Session at Board of Education Meeting.
  3. March 23, 2021: School Board Presentation of Final DRAFT Redistricting Options at the Operations Committee Meeting.
  4. March 30, 2021: Vote on Redistricting Option for Phase 2.  

12/16/2020: Following the 12/01/2020 Public Information Session, redistricting consultants asked the community to provide feedback on the Draft Map Options A and B that were presented.

12/14/2020: The survey for feedback is on the Draft Map Options is now closed.  We will share the results as soon as they are available from the consultants.  If you need to give additional feedback, you can submit via the General Feedback Form below.

12/03/2020: Here is a summary of the DRAFT Map Options presented in this video presentation (Public Information Session #2)

Elementary School:

  • Option A and B: the Northwest corner of Jessie Mae Monroe ES that is currently zoned to Waccamaw for 6-8 moves from Jessie Mae Monroe ES to Waccamaw.
  • Option A: The Eastern edge of Virginia Williamson ES that is currently zoned to South Brunswick MS moves from Virginia Williamson ES to Southport ES, including St. James.
  • Option B: The Southwestern portion of Union ES (Planning Blocks 28 and 29) moves from Union ES to Jessie Mae Monroe ES.

 Middle School:

  • Option A and B: The Northern area of Shallotte MS that is also in Waccamaw for K-5 moves from Shallotte MS to Waccamaw.
  • Option A: No Other changes
  • Option B: The Eastern edge of South Brunswick MS that is also zoned to Virginia Williamson ES moves from South Brunswick MS to Cedar Grove MS

 High School:

  • Option A and B: The area moved from Leland MS to South Brunswick MS in Phase 1 (Planning Block 66) is moved from North Brunswick HS to South Brunswick HS.
  • Option AB-1: In addition to the move made in Options A and B, north of planning block 66 including Mallory Creek is moved to South Brunswick HS. (note: this move will not take place until North Brunswick HS enrolls 1,400 students)

VIDEO PRESENTATION:  Click HERE to watch the Public Information Session #2

SURVEY: Click HERE to take the Survey. 

12/02/2020: The video recording of the Public Information Session #2 held on 12/1/2020 is now available to view.

11/24/2020: The next Public Information Session where consultants will present DRAFT options for the public to view and give feedback will take place at 5:15pm on 12/01/2020.

10/30/2020:  The 10/29/2020 Public Information Session #1 presentation is now available for review in readable and video format.  

10/29/2020: An online form is now available to submit feedback on the Phase 2 study.

We've posted a link to the interactive map that will show attendance zones and additional helpful information throughout the process.

This evening's Public Information Session can be viewed via a virtual Zoom meeting that begins at 6pm.  

10/20/2020: Brunswick County Schools presented Board Members with the Fall 2020 Redistricting Study Phase 2 Timeline during the Operations Committee Meeting.

Upcoming Dates: (Dates and/or meeting format subject to change as we navigate through COVID-19 Pandemic)

  1. October 29, 2020:  Public Information Session #1.  This will be in a virtual meeting format, available to the public, where Cropper GIS(consultants) will provide an overview of the Objectives, Process, and Timeline of the Phase 2 Redistricting Study.  The meeting will also be recorded for viewing at a later time.  
    Virtual Meeting Time: 6pm.  Click HERE for the Zoom link that will be active on 10/29/2020.
  2. December 1, 2020: Public Information Session #2.  This will be in a virtual meeting format, available to the public, where Cropper GIS(consultants) will present DRAFT Realignment Options to the community for comment/feedback.
  3. January 5, 2021: Extended Public Comment Session at the Board of Education Meeting.
  4. February 2, 2021: Public Information Session #3.  This will be in a virtual meeting format, available to the public, where Cropper GIS(consultants) will present DRAFT Redistricting Options to community for comment/feedback.
  5. March 2, 2021: Extended Public Comment Session at Board of Education Meeting.
  6. March 23, 2021: School Board Presentation of Final DRAFT Redistricting Options at the Operations Committee Meeting.
  7. March 30, 2021: Vote on Redistricting Option for Phase 2.
Phase 2 Timeline update

Want to revisit the Phase 1 Process?