Elementary Education
Welcome to the Elementary Education Department!
The elementary curriculum and instruction staff will provide service, leadership, and support for principals and teachers to enable them to implement a comprehensive, challenging, integrated, and sequential curriculum which provides meaningful and rigorous learning experiences for all students.
General Program Description
Brunswick County elementary schools provide students with a strong academic foundation for lifelong learning. A comprehensive education is designed and implemented by knowledgeable staff to ensure successful growth and development of the whole child.
Program Goals
Brunswick County Elementary Schools will provide instructional opportunities that:
- Meet the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of children
- Expect academic growth for all children
- Provide a safe and orderly environment where learning takes place
- Focus on preparing students to think critically, work cooperatively, and strive for high standards
- Prepare students to meet the challenge of an advanced, technological society
Focus on Literacy
The Brunswick Early Success Team, a collective of representatives from Brunswick County Schools, local government, community leaders, and volunteers, has created B.E.S.T for Kids, a program focused on helping all children become fluent readers by the end of the third grade.
"Children must learn to read before they can read to learn."
To learn more about the program, and how you can get involved, CLICK HERE or visit www.bcswan.net/BEST.
Elementary Services
NC Read to Achieve LiveBinder
Jen Damin
Executive Director of Professional Development and Elementary Education
Title II Coordinator
Office: 910-782-5066
Administrative Assistant
Office: 910-782-5053