English as a Second Language
Title III - English as a Second Language
Federal guidelines regulated by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), require that upon enrollment, students fill out a Home Language Survey as part of the enrollment packet.
Language minority students are given a placement test in order to gauge their English proficiency. These tests are provided by the WIDA Consortium (WIDA Screener kindergarteners and the WIDA Screener for grades 1-12). If the student is identified as limited English proficient (LEP), the student is placed in the English as a Second Language Program (ESL) and receives English support by an English language specialist. ESL students are given the annual ACCESS for ELLs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) to measure their English skills progress.
The ESL program provides English language instruction for multilingual learners (MLs) as written in the Language Instruction Education Plan (LIEP) as comprehensive (intensive), supportive (moderate) and transitional(consultative). English Language Specialists work collaboratively with regular education teachers in order to provide push-in, pull-out or consultative services for our MLs.
MLs receive the same academic content and educational opportunities as their English-speaking peers. They receive modified or differentiated instruction and assessments tailored to meet their needs.
Brunswick County Schools believes all students can succeed academically regardless of their cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Click here to see our ESL/MEP staff in Brunswick County Schools
Dr. Karen Baker
Title I & MTSS Director
(P) 910-782-5056
(E) kbaker@bcswan.net
Elsa Armijos
ESL/MEP Coordinator
(P) 910-782-5093
(E) earmijos@bcswan.net
Erica T West
Administrative Assistant
(P) 910-782-5074
Julia Caceres
Data Manager
(P) 910-782-5007
Title l Parent & Family
Engagement Policy
1320 / 3560
English & Spanish