Pre-K Exceptional Children Services
Brunswick County Schools provides a variety of special education and related services for children, between the ages of three and five, with disabilities. These services are driven by the goals and objectives of the Individual Education Programs (IEP).
Brunswick County Schools has a strong commitment to the provision of services in the least restrictive environment. Therefore, preschool students with IEPs may receive services in community based settings, an early childhood class or in a special center. Placement is based on the individual student's needs and is determined during the IEP meeting.
Pre-K Screening Team:
The Pre-K Screening Team screens children ages three through five who may be in need of special education services.
IFSP Transition:
Brunswick County Schools will ensure a seamless transition from Birth-3 services into our Pre-K Program.
Pre-K School Psychologist-Brandy Dusenbury.
To schedule an appointment or discuss transition, please contact Jennifer Gore, EC Pre-K Coordinator at:
Phone: (910) 782-5075