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Fine Arts

Welcome to Fine Arts!

Our system's art education program includes visual arts as well as the performing arts of theatre, instrumental music (band), choral music, and dance. 

  In the elementary schools, students have access to both visual art and choral music. 

  • In the middle schools, instrumental music is added as an elective as well as handbells in one school. 
  • In the high schools, both theatre and dance are included as well. 

These courses are comprised of regular, honors, and potentially advanced placement. Students are selected for all-county honors performances in band, chorus, and dance. High-school students also compete in the Spotlight on Talent show and the One-Act Play Festival. All school levels are eligible to participate in Arts Alive in the spring. Most events are held in the Odell Wiliamson Auditorium at Brunswick Community College. School and district region performances and exhibits occur throughout the school year.

Countywide support and especially the partnership of the Brunswick County Arts Council help students compete in local, regional, state, and national competitions as well as showcase their individual talent and creative works.

There are approximately 60 fine arts teachers, assigned to the 20 schools of Brunswick County. These talented teachers are committed to using arts integration along with multiple intelligences and learning styles as effective hands-on, relevant teaching strategies for cross-curricular study. Ultimately, they reinforce the concept that learning should be fun and personal. As a result, students' self-esteem becomes more positive. This emphasis on the "whole child" provides students with the tools they need to be successful in global society. 


Fine Arts Calendar

February 2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13
Friday, February 14
Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16
Monday, February 17
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, February 19
Thursday, February 20
Friday, February 21
Saturday, February 22
Sunday, February 23
Monday, February 24
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26
Thursday, February 27
Friday, February 28
Saturday, March 1

Calendar & Category Legend:

  • Fine Arts Calendar

Jason Seip M. Ed

Brunswick County Schools Performing Arts Director


Shane Miller

Brunswick County Schools Visual Arts Lead


Erica T West

Administrative Assistant

(P) 910-782-5074
