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BCS Professional Development Values

Relevance ⇔ Engagement ⇔ Choice ⇔ Follow-up

Four Pre-requisites for Effective Professional Learning

  • Educators' commitment to students - ALL students!
  • Educators must come to PD ready to learn.
  • Educators must listen to one another, respect each other's experiences and perspectives, trust each other, and share a common vision and goals.
  • Educators must recognize that educators, like all learners, learn in different ways and at different rates.


Standards for Professional Learning

Professional learning increases educator effectiveness and results for all students!


  • Learning Communities:  Occurs within learning communities committed to continuous improvement, collective responsibility and goal alignment. 
  • Leadership:  Requires skillful leaders who develop capacity, advocate, and create support systems for professional learning. 
  • Resources:  Requires prioritizing, monitoring and coordinating resources for educator learning.
  • Data:  Uses a variety of sources and types of student, educator, and system data to plan, assess and evaluate professional learning.  
  • Learning Designs:  Integrates theories, research and models of human learning to achieve its intended outcomes.
  • Implementation:  Applies research on change and sustains support for implementation of professional learning for long-term change.
  • Outcomes:  Aligns its outcomes with educator performance and student curriculum standards.