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Professional Development FAQs

How do I submit credits for continuing education for license renewal?

Transfer Credit Manager Directions to Enter CEUs for Approval

Transfer Credit Manager (TCM) allows staff to request that credit for a course completed elsewhere be added to your NCEES My Transcript. Teachers, Support Staff and Principals can go to Transfer Credit Manager in NCEES and submit credit requests or re-submit requests that were denied. Please note that NCEES only recognizes certified (licensed) and active BCS staff.  Any course that was completed online in NCEES and Canvas does not need to be re-submitted, credits are auto-updated in the system. 

The requestor is highly advised to keep the original CEU certificate for their records. 

Activities Accepted for Renewal Credit:

  • College or university courses
    • Official transcripts are required as documentation; grade reports are not accepted.
  • Local in-service courses or workshops
    • The administrative unit certifies credits.
  • Classes and workshops approved by an LEA
    • Documentation of completion is provided by the agency sponsoring the activity

How many credits are required for licensure renewal?

Renewal and Reinstatement Requirements Total 8 CEUs or 80 Clock Hours of Professional Development

*As a condition of employment per NC State Board of Education Policy LICN-005 employing school systems reserve the right to assign literacy requirements for any educator.

*Renewal requirements are subject to change based on NC State Board of Education policy updates.

Credits Required for Licensure Renewal

Grades K-5

  • 3 Subject Area 
  • 3 Literacy
  • 2 General

Student Services Personnel

  • 4 Professional Discipline
  • 4 General

Grades 6-12

  • 4 Subject Area 
  • 4 General


  • 4 Executive's Role
  • 4 General

North Carolina Lifetime License

The State Board of Education shall issue a lifetime license, which shall require no renewal, to an individual currently licensed as a professional educator who has met at least one of the following criteria:

  • Completed at least 30 or more years of creditable service with the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System.
  • Completed a combined total of 30 or more years of employment as a licensed teacher, administrator, or student services personnel in one or more public school units in North Carolina.


Renewal Criteria

  • A unit of renewal credit (CEU) is equal to 10 clock hours of professional development
  • 8 units of renewal credit are required to renew both a current and expired CPL
  • For a CPL to remain current, all renewal credit must be earned by the expiration date of the license

Activities Accepted for Renewal Credit:

  • College or university courses
    • Official transcripts are required as documentation; grade reports are not accepted.
  • Local in-service courses or workshops
    • The administrative unit certifies credits.
  • Classes and workshops approved by an LEA
    • Documentation of completion is provided by the agency sponsoring the activity

How do I know what my licensure cycle is?

If you do not know your licensure cycle info, refer to your teaching license that has the dates listed on it.  If you do not have a printed copy of your teaching license, you can access it here:  NCDPI Online Licensure System

How do I look up the total number of CEUs I have for licensure renewal?

Log into NCEdCloud; then click the blue P for NCEES.  Click on the My Courses tab.  On that page, look for the My Courses section.  At the bottom of that section, click on the My Transcript. Enter the Section End Date From: as the start date of your current licensure cycle.  Enter the Section End Date To: as today's date.  Click the Search button.  Scroll down to view your CEU information. 

Does my PD course count for Literacy CEUs?

Refer to your PD course description.  Does it align with the following Literacy descriptors?  Literacy is defined as those credits that include evidence-based assessment, diagnosis, and intervention strategies for students not demonstrating reading proficiency. Oral language, phonemic and phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension shall be addressed in literacy-related activities leading to license renewal for elementary school teachers.  If you are unsure after reviewing your course description and comparing it to the Literacy descriptors, please contact the PD department and share your course name, description, etc with us. 

The CEUs from one of my PD courses are not showing up on My Transcript. What now?

Ensure that you registered for the course in NCEES.  You can check this one of two ways.  When you are in NCEES, click the Professional Development tab at the top.  Scroll down, looking on the right hand side of the screen, to the My Courses area.  Scroll through to look for the course.  Or, go directly under that section where the box says My Transcript, select the date range of the PD you took, hit search, then scroll to see if it is on that list.  If you do not see it on that list, refer to your personal files. I highly suggest all employees keep copies of PD certficates, agendas, homework, surveys, etc for their personal records to ensure you have your own documentation of all your professional learning.  If you registered for a PD in NCEES, did you submit a COPY of the CEU certificate with the Request for CEU Credit Into NCEES form to the Professional Development Office in Central Services?  Did you sign in to the PD class when you attended it in person?  Did you complete the necessary homework or surveys that were required?  If you have double checked these areas and still need assistance, please contact us.  

What is provided or reimbursed when I go to NCCAT?

NCCAT provides the food, lodging and PD programming.  Teachers and/or their districts are responsible for travel and substitute teacher costs.  Money for substitute pay is allotted into the district PD budget, however there is a yearly limit for the district; contact Jen Damin for more information.  Transportation should be requested via emailing Karen Warfield as well as Jennifer Damin to request a county car for travel.  If Karen responds that there are no county cars available, email Jennifer Damin to do an additional car request.  If both requests result in no cars available, travel will be reimbursed at  the appropriate state rate.