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Academic Support Services

It is our responsibility to educate each student in Brunswick County Schools. Formative assessment tools provide individual student performance information. With the knowledge that exists about the individual progress of each student in our system, we have the capacity and responsibility to design and implement effective instruction and targeted interventions to meet their needs. We also use this information to ensure curriculum is differentiated and challenging for gifted learners.

Brunswick County Schools utilizes an intensive problem-solving process and pyramid of instruction/intervention to guide teachers and professional learning communities when students are struggling academically. If you have questions about your child's academic or social development, specialists are available to assist you.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Brunswick County Schools implements a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. MTSS is a framework which promotes school improvement through data-driven decision making for academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning for all students. We are implementing MTSS so that EVERY child can reach his/her potential...whether he/she is a struggling reader or an advanced learner. Teaching is a collaborative system that meets every child where he/she is academically, behaviorally, and socially. Our schools are a microcosm of learners, each with different needs, experiences and levels of learning, but they each deserve the opportunity for success. Through fidelity, ownership, and dedication to every learner, BCS helps every child grow. This systems approach to educating the whole child and ensuring effective instruction is the foundation of MTSS.  

District Contact: Dr. Karen Baker

Individual Student Teams

When students are having academic or social difficulties, a multi-disciplinary problem solving team works collaboratively with the student and parent(s) to determine effective interventions. Because every child learns differently, the team will develop an individualized intervention plan that best addresses the current needs of the child. 

Problem Solving Teams are groups of individuals that meet to analyze data and determine solutions to problems.  Within multi-tiered systems and supports (MTSS), there can be multiple problem-solving teams.  Professional Learning Communities, Intervention Teams, and Individual Student Support Teams are all examples of teams that generally meet to discuss school-wide areas of concern related to the environment, instruction and curriculum for all students or groups of students. 

The IST problem-solving team must consider whether the student’s lack of progress is the result of a suspected disability.  If a disability is suspected, the student must be referred to the IEP Team and interventions must continue concurrently while the issue of a suspected disability is resolved.  A parent has the right to request, in writing, an evaluation for special education at any time.  If the parent makes this request, the student must be referred to the IEP Team while interventions continue. 

Specialized teams, such as the IEP Team, are also problem-solving teams; however, their purpose is initiated for individual students who are suspected of a disability or who have already been identified with a disability and is coordinated according to the regulatory requirements of the IDEA.

If your child is involved in the problem-solving process (IST), we encourage you to stay in close contact with your child’s teacher and the Individual Student Team (IST) as you are a very important part of this process. Parents must be notified, in writing, regarding the student’s response to intervention at each tier.  The “Parent Notification of Intervention” (English Version, Spanish Version)  is used for this notification.  

District Contact: Meredith Lloyd

Department Documents