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Homebound Services

Brunswick County Schools supports those students who incur medical reasons and other severe circumstances that prevent school attendance. We believe that the school setting is the best environment for students and approve homebound services only when it is determined to be the most feasible setting for student. The primary purpose of the homebound program is to maintain access to a sound basic education and to provide tutorial and/or instructional services so that the student can continue to gain access to the general curriculum in order to support the student's growth, development, and academic performance. Approval of homebound services is intended to be a short-term solution.

As soon as a parent anticipates a student's extended absence becuase of a severe, prolonged, or chronic illness under a physician's care, the parent should notify the school. Appropriate documentaion must be provided to the designee at the school site and approval must be acquired from the Superintendent's designee at the district office. All information is considered, as well as other strategies that could be implemented prior to approving homebound services.


District Contact: Melissa Quinlan

Administrative Assistant: Raquel DeSouza

Department Documents/Homebound

First page of the PDF file: HomeboundParentInformation