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Diabetes Management



    Diabetic Medical Management Plan must be completed by the child’s Endocrinologist or Primary Care Provider, with cooperation of the parents.  This will be the basis for all Diabetic care delivered at school by the child’s school nurse and diabetic care managers. 

    We encourage parents to view monthly school menus and the Carbohydrate Count List if your child has been instructed to administer insulin for carbohydrates at each meal.  In order for the child with diabetes to receive appropriate medical care at school, the parent must provide:

    1. Diabetic Medical Management Plan - completed by the physician, signed by the parent

    2. All supplies necessary for diabetes care at school, including but not limited to:

    • Glucometer

    • Test strips

    • Lancets and lancing device

    • Insulin

    • Glucagon emergency kit

    • Urine ketone strips

    • Carbohydrate snacks

    • Bottled water

    Managing diabetes at school is most effective when there is a partnership among students, parents, school nurse, health care providers, teachers, counselors, coaches, transportation, food service employees, and administrators.  The school nurse provides the health expertise and coordination needed to ensure cooperation from all partners in assisting the student toward self-management of diabetes.

    Each student with diabetes is unique in his or her disease process, developmental and intellectual abilities and levels of assistance required for disease management. The goals of the Diabetes Medical Management Plan are to promote normal or near normal blood glucose with minimal episodes of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, normal growth and development, positive mental health, and academic success (Kaufman, 2009). 

    Throughout childhood and adolescence, the student with diabetes is continuously moving through transitions toward more independence and self-management (Silverstein et al., 2005).  They will require various levels of supervision or assistance to perform diabetes care tasks in school. Students who lack diabetes management experience or cognitive and developmental skills must have assistance with their diabetes management during the school day as determined by the nursing assessment and as outlined in the Diabetes Medical Management Plan.


    American Diabetes Association (ADA). (2011). Diabetes care in the school and day care setting.  Diabetes Care, 34(Supp 1), S70-S74.

    Kauffman, F. (Ed.). (2009). Medical management of type 1 diabetes (5th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Diabetes Association.

    National Association of School Nurses (NASN). (2012). Diabetes Management in the School Setting.

    Silverstein, J., Klingensmith, G., Copeland, K., Plotnick, L., Kaufman, F., & Clark, N. (2005). Care of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes – A statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care, 28, 186-212.


Diabetes Management

Diabetes Management Forms