Medication at School
As stated in the Brunswick County School Medication Policy 6125:
“To minimize disruptions to the school day, medicines should be taken at home rather than at school whenever feasible. School personnel should not agree to administer any medication that could be taken at home.”
However, if your child must have medication, prescription or over-the-counter, during school hours you have the following options:
You may come to school to administer the medication to your child
You may discuss an alternative schedule for medication administration with your child's physician, such as outside of school hours
You may obtain a Physician Authorization for Medication Form. This must be completed by your child's physician, including the name, dose, and frequency of the medication and must also include the physician and parent's signature. Once this is complete please bring the medication to school in its original OTC or prescription labeled bottle. The student IS NOT permitted to bring any medication to school; this must be brought in by the parent, guardian, or designated adult
In accordance with G.S. 115C-375.2 and G.S. 115C-47, students requiring medication for asthma, anaphylactic allergy reactions, and/or diabetes may self-medicate with physician authorization, parent permission, and a student agreement for the self-carried medication. This contract must be completed by the school nurse, parent/guardian, and student. The above mentioned General Statute also states the child will "keep a second labeled container in health office or main office". This is a law! Please help us stay in compliance with this.