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Substance Use Resources & Support

Substance Use Prevention Campaign

October 2022

Week 1- What is Prevention?

The adolescent brain is rapidly developing and is more vulnerable to alcohol and drugs than adult brains, which increases young people’s chances of developing a substance use disorder. “What is Prevention” explains that prevention is about delaying the onset of first use, or pushing it back as long as possible in order to protect young brains.  



Week 2- Age Matters

Research shows that 90% of people with a substance use disorder began using drugs and alcohol before the age of 18. In this video, teens will learn the importance of protecting their brain from substance use disorders by delaying the age of first use.



Week 3- Mind Your Genes

We often hear that addiction can run in families, and it has been shown that genetics account for 50% of a person’s likelihood of developing an addiction. However, the risk is also influenced by individual choices. Information is power. In this video, we learn how to mind our genes to avoid developing an addiction. 



Week 4- 12 Things Parents Can do to Prevent Addiction 


Video viewing in classrooms: Middle & High


Vaping: The Hit Your Brain Takes 


Addiction, Episode 1: The Hijacker 


Addiction, Episode 2: Whirlpools of Risk 


Addiction, Episode 3: Understanding Severity 


Addiction, Episode 4: Don’t Wait for “Rock Bottom”