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Welcome to the Transportation Department!

Vision Statement

We will provide the highest quality service possible when transporting our most valuable asset, the students of Brunswick County Schools.

We are committed to, and will abide by, promote and exceed:

  • Federal, State, and Local Transportation Standards and Regulations
  • Brunswick County School Board Policies and Procedures
  • Expectations, to insure the safety and well being of every student and passenger.

We will become a model transportation program for Brunswick County Schools, the State of North Carolina, and ultimately the nation. We will partner with school officials at all levels, parents, the community, and students of all ages to achieve and maintain the goal of accident free, conflict free transportation as we contribute to our student’s overall education and learning experiences.

Our buses will surpass all vehicle maintenance standards. Students, staff and the community will express pride and confidence in our bus fleet.

We recognize the responsibility for achieving these goals is ours.

Through "Team Work" we are known as a Pupil Transportation Program that fulfills its promise of quality and service.