Welcome to AIG at SMS!

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    The AIG program in Brunswick County Schools currently serves AIG qualifying and identified students in English language arts and/or math classes only.

    Shallotte Middle School offers AIG (academically or intellectually gifted) coursework in the following classes:

    • AIG language arts in grades 6, 7, and 8
    • AIG math in grades 6 and 7
    • Math I in grade 8 (this is a high school credit course)

    Earth and environmental science is also offered to qualifying 8th graders at SMS; however, this is a high school credit course, NOT an AIG class.


AIG Certified/Licensed Faculty


    AIG English/language arts (ELA):

    Michelle Sharpe, 6th and 7th grade 

    Tracy Lawhorn, 8th grade 


    AIG Math:

    Melissa Hughes, 6th and 7th grade 

    Holli Hudson, 8th grade Math I 




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