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Academic Competitions

Battle of the Books
This program is for middle school students, grades 6-8. Students at participating schools read books from a list established by the state Battle of the Books committee, and then compete in quiz-bowl-style tournaments to test their knowledge of these books. 

Elementary Battle of the Books
This program is for elementary school students, grades 4-5. Students at participating schools read books from a list established by the state Battle of the Books committee, and then compete in quiz-bowl-style tournaments to test their knowledge of these books.

Science Fairs
Science Fairs provide an opportunity for students, 3rd through 12th grades, who are interested in science and technology to pursue their personal areas of interest and to display their research as a presentation in a public competitive forum. The NC Science and Engineering Fair works to create enthusiasm in science and technology while encouraging project-based inquiry. This fair gives our students the chance to compete for college scholarships, awards, honors programs and other exciting prizes.

Science Olympiad
More information can be found on the Science Olympiad webpage.
School level coordinators will receive information via the Academic Competitions Edmodo group.  Contact Amanda Richardson to request access.

North Carolina Science Olympiad (NCSO) is a nonprofit organization with the mission to attract and retain the pool of K-12 students entering science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees and careers in North Carolina. Every year NCSO hosts tournaments on university, community college, and public school campuses across the state. These tournaments are rigorous academic interscholastic competitions that consist of a series of different hands-on, interactive, challenging and inquiry-based events that are well balanced between the various disciplines of biology, earth science, environmental science, chemistry, physics, engineering and technology.

The challenging and self-motivating events of NCSO align with the North Carolina Essential Standards as well as the National Science Education Standards. The events are designed to enhance and strengthen both science content and process skills.