BCS Parent Form: Concern, Complaint, or Compliment
Parents Bill of Rights
"§ 115C-76.60. Remedies for parental concerns. (a) The governing body of a public school unit shall adopt procedures for a parent to notify the principal at his or her child's school regarding concerns about a public school unit's procedure or practice under this Part and a process for resolving those concerns within seven days of the date of notification by the parent. If the parental concern has not been resolved within 30 days following the date of notification by the parent, the public school unit shall provide a statement of the reasons for not resolving the concern.
- We will use the following forms for all concerns coming to Central Services and at Thursday's principal meeting, schools will adapt and make forms for their school site. Using a Google Form creates a timestamp which starts the 30 day clock - if a parent is unable to complete the form they will receive assistance from an employee. Additionally, having the documentation in one location with consistent data collection will aid us in providing feedback to schools on trends as well as providing the required summary to the state each year. Please feel free to send the appropriate link if you have concerns reported to you that you would like Central Services assistance with. They will also be posted on the webpage HERE (If you need directions: select Parents at top, select Concerns and Complaints)
BCS Elementary Parent Concern, Complaint or Compliment
BCS Middle School Parent Concern, Complaint or Compliment
BCS High School Parent Concern, Complaint or Compliment