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Natalie Brozy named BCS Chief Human Resources Officer
Please join Brunswick County Schools in congratulating Mrs. Natalie Brozy on being named BCS Chief Human Resources Officer!
Mrs. Brozy will begin her new role on March 1, 2024. Mrs. Brozy currently serves Brunswick County Schools as Deputy Director of Human Resources. She has previously served as Assistant Principal of South Brunswick High School, Assistant Principal of North Buncombe High School, Managing Executive Director of Roxboro Community School, Principal of Roxboro Community Middle School, Assistant Principal of Southern Middle School, Assistant Principal of Northern Middle School, Assistant Athletic Director and Physical Education Department Head at Harnett Central Middle School, and a Healthful Living Instructor at Western Harnett Middle School. Mrs. Brozy is an NCDPI Licensed School Administrator: Superintendent, Principal, and K-12 Instructor. She has also earned an Ed. S. degree in Educational Administration from Appalachian State University, a Master of School Administration degree from Campbell University, and a Bachelor of Science in Education degree from Campbell University.
When asked what excites her most about her new role within Brunswick County Schools, Mrs. Brozy said the following:
“I have been blessed to serve alongside the dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators of BCS for the past six years. There could not be a more exciting time to enter this new role, with the growth in our school district and the strategic planning process underway. It is an honor to lead the Human Resources department and ensure a supportive learning and work environment for all. Brunswick County is my home, and I look forward to faithfully serving my community, ensuring that our schools are staffed with effective teachers, administrators, and support staff and that we recognize and reward their success to keep the best working in BCS!”
Mrs. Brozy, we appreciate your dedication and commitment to serving Brunswick County Schools!